The Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS) invites participation in the CEAS Live Spam Challenge. Participants will compete in filtering a live 24-hour e-mail stream delivered using standard protocols (SMTP, IMAP4, POP3). All types of anti-spam technology are welcome including servers, appliances, proxies and personal filters. Participants will be allowed to use any network resource including real-time blacklists, real-time white-lists, reverse-DNS queries, and privately owned and updated databases.
Simulated user-feedback will be provided to train learning-based filters. Filters will be evaluated based on a weighted combination of the percentage of spam blocked and its false positive percentage.
The challenge will be held in conjunction with the Fourth Annual Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS). Conference registration and attendance is not required for participation.
Please see for competition details and instructions on joining the competition e-mail list.